
Showing posts from May, 2017

what is advertising? in international marketing

what is advertising?  in international marketing advertising may be defined as the strategy of communicating a sales message to potential customers. Advertising plays a crucial role in international business and is a critical factor in achieving sales goals in a tough, competitive environment. it has been observed that in the globalization era, national and multinational companies are incresingly considering successful advertising as a prerequisite to profitable global operations. advertisingis one segment of a well-organized, continuous  marketing plan. effective advertising is a cumulative process that maintains current customers, attracts new customers and establishes a favourable position for the business with competitors. advertising will not curs slow business growth or low profits nor will it create a better business person or a well-organized business. advertising offers specified benefits to a specific or  target audience. as port of a sound marketing plan, advertising be

start a blog and make money

This is a step by step and easy to follow guide that will help you setup your own blog from the start. This guide is not to motivate someone to start blogging. It is best suited for someone who already made the decision to start a blog and need some step by step direction of the whole process. Who Should Use This Guide? It goes without saying that the following information is for those that know that hard work generates reward. This guide is intended for anyone who is looking for an answer to any of the following questions: how do I setup a blog? how to start a blog and maintain it? Now, starting a blog is easy but in order to be able to successfully monetize the blog, you need to establish the blog. In this guide, I have also covered the topics that help you establish your blog so you can monetize it.