Definition of a Company Secretary.Explain Rights and DUTIES OF THE COMPANY SECRETARY

Definition of a Company Secretary:

A Company Secretary means “a person who is a member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India”
According to Section 2(45) of the Companies Act, 1956, “Secretary means any individual possess­ing the prescribed qualifications, appointed to per­form the duties which may be performed by a sec­retary under this Act and any other ministerial or administrative duties”.

* Rights of the Company Secretary..

Rights of a Company Secretary are:

1. As the head of the secretarial department, the Secretary has the right to control, direct and supervise the activities of the department.

2. As the principal executive officer of the com­pany the Secretary has the right to sign documents which require authentication of the company.

3. The Secretary has the right to get remunera­tion from the Company. As an officer of the com­pany he has the right to claim two months’ salary as a preferential creditor at the time of winding-up of the company.

4. The Secretary has the right to claim dam­ages and compensation when his service is termi­nated before the expiry of his terms as per service contract.

5. The Secretary has the right to inspect the books maintained by the secretarial department.


Functions and Duties of the Company Secretary:

Functions of the Company Secretary may be discussed under two headings:

(i) Statutory Functions or Duties and

(ii) Non-statutory Functions or Duties.

Statutory Functions:

The Companies Act, 1956, imposes certain duties upon the Secretary.

The Companies Act has specified the following duties of the Company Sec­retary:

1. Signing of Annual Returns,

2. Registration of Allotment Returns,

3. Issuing Share Certificates,

4. Convening Annual General Meeting,

5. Maintaining Share Registers,

6. Maintaining Register of Directors.

The Indian Stamp Act also requires a Company Secretary to ensure that proper stamps are affixed on the company’s documents. The Indian Sales Tax Act also provides that the Secretary of the Company should arrange for registration of the company, if necessary, and sub­mit the tax returns.

Under the Income Tax law, the Company Sec­retary has to deduct income tax from the salaries of the staff and dividend payable at source and to submit income tax returns to the authorities in ac­cordance with the law.

Under the MRTP Act, FERA (now FEMA) and Essential Commodities Act, he is entrusted with certain obligations under the Payment of Wages Act, Bonus Act, Provident Fund Act and Gratuity Act. He is personally liable for the violation of provi­sions of the respective Acts.

Non-statutory Functions:

The non-statutory functions of the Company Secretary vary with the nature and size of the com­pany. He has got certain non-statutory functions in relation to Directors, shareholders and office and staff.


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